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Our solutions for sales options and channels help shape a more effective sales offer.

How often have business ventures been affected by incorrect decisions? One such decision is regarding sales channels. There are direct sales channels and numerous indirect channels. Indirect sales refer to the distribution of goods and services by third- party channels, such as affiliates or distributors. You may choose to sell your goods exclusively through direct or indirect channels, or opt for some sort of combination. Now, your choice is vital. A correct or incorrect choice can affect your marketing strategies and the resultant potential revenue, positively or negatively. party channels, such as affiliates or distributors. You may choose to sell your goods exclusively through direct or indirect channels, or opt for some sort of combination. Now, your choice is vital. A correct or incorrect choice can affect your marketing strategies and the resultant potential revenue, positively or negatively.

That means you need to analyse where, how and how many customers want to buy your products or services and the best options you have to let them know. You may use multiple channels to reach more customers, however, care must be taken to ensure you are not just pulling customers from existing channels into the new ones, as that does not increase customer count, just realigns them across channels. That is, the costbenefit ratio would take a beating.

In the ever changing global environment social media has gained importance and can be tapped for various business reasons. Obviously, one would use the platform that would most benefit their business, depending on which social media platform their target customers hang out most often.

Certain sales channels may have the capacity to shower you with huge sales volumes while some others may just bring you a handful. Likewise, selling through intermediaries can be cost effective, however, is useful when customers want bulk sales at various places. Pricing also needs to be made carefully. While it is important to competitively price products and services, it should not eat away your revenues. With so many options these days, it is imperative to make the right choice after evaluating each one of those. And this also includes analyzing the feasibility, suitability, reach, cost factors, sales and revenue impact and so on.

Do you feel drowned under a barrage of information? Are you having difficulty in making the right choice? Welcome to MAVI We offer best solutions for all your sales and channels options needs. We concentrate more on direct sales methods as we generally partner with retailers and small scale businesses on their sales endeavours.

MAVI has developed a research module which allows us to understand the behavior of consumers. In case of direct sales at your retail store, we can understand their pulse right at the moment they make an in-store purchase decision.

For ages, direct sales is the most reliable option as it offers the chance to understand customer preferences easily, build rapport with them and even explain or demonstrate complex products. In a store consumers may think and function differently. Thus it is of vital importance that we understand them and help them choose the right product.

MAVI Shelf Testing is one our research methodologies that can help retailers optimize the position of products on a shelf, based on the inputs or wishes of consumers.

Using MAVI Protocol Analysis, we narrow down on the elements in a configuration of products that influence customer decisions, and also the order of preference or relevance among those elements on which consumers use to base their purchase decisions.

We help our clients design the optimum palette of products for sale. Our end goal is to allow consumers to locate products faster, thus increasing sales. This helps retailers as well as producers and distributors.