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We regularly carry out B2B research in different industries focusing on the challenges of B2B markets.

As Business-to-Business (B2B) involves marketing of products to businesses or other organizations, it brings with it more complexity. Products may be for use in production of goods, for use in general business operations (such as office supplies), or for resale to other consumers, such as a wholesaler selling to a retailer. Contrary to B2C, research in the B2B requires more fine tuning considering these points: Decision-making regarding inter-organization markets is far more complex than when marketing to consumers | The products and services could be more complex | B2B marketers target a far smaller audience, which consumes far more products or services than individual consumers | Interpersonal relations and interactions are critical to success

That is, research amongst the end consumers (B2C) is less complicated than it is amongst businesses as there are lesser variations in the products consumed by the public than the variations across businesses. Variations may be due to varying requirements, operations, preferences, constraints or even different sizes of companies. Importantly, consumers can be reached through focus groups or online platforms that are a lot quicker and cheaper than reaching out to businesses.

We are specialized in providing custom solutions for our clients belonging to small markets, retail markets etc. Our research team is equipped with advanced methodologies, latest research tools, and diverse exposure. Added with these, our deep insights into our clients’ industries enable us to distinguish ourselves in offering one of the best customized solutions to every client.

MAVI specializes in researching business-to-business markets driven by deep insight that allows us to offer the best B2B solutions for various clients spread across markets and industries. We regularly carry out B2B research in the branches of IT, retail and FMCG (specifically distribution). Our qualitative and quantitative B2B research includes: Market studies – regarding trends and market potential | Understanding the Customer – satisfaction and preferences | Brand image and recognition | New market opportunities | Development of new products or services

We build on classical quantitative research with unconventional approaches and B2B tools that could range from automated reporting to data mining and business intelligence. Qualitative approaches are especially useful for reaching decision-makers, for example managers and other persons with similar profiles.

We have loads of experience in B2B research that translates into successful client relationships. We not only make effective use of technology but also trust our questioning skills. We use both to arrive at the real problem or issue on hand that needs to be researched and then gather related facts and figures from numerous sources for thorough research, and arrive at conclusions for your marketing problems or to help grab market opportunities. Our efforts are effective, timely and cost less. Together, we succeed.