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Companies’ growth, sales, revenue and resultant profit may take a beating due to lack of proactive product and services development and new offers on the market.

Product development starts with an idea. However, a good research into what our existing and potential customers want, and the competitors’ brand for the product line is inevitable.

The next step is testing. The best of product trials may not ensure long term product survival unless consumer demand stays for the product. This requires proper understanding of target customers, their demographical and geographical spread, their expectations and trends. Timing of the testing and the resultant learning are equally important.

We are specialized in providing custom solutions for our clients belonging to small markets, retail markets etc. Our research team is equipped with advanced methodologies, latest research tools, and diverse exposure. Added with these, our deep insights into our clients’ industries enable us to distinguish ourselves in offering one of the best customized solutions to every client.

We have a myriad range of product testing solutions that integrate traditional in-home product testing with the latest consumer research methods. We help you get the most complete and actionable understanding of your products’ strengths and weaknesses, which in turn enables you to identify the most rewarding opportunities apart from prioritizing the most important elements in the development of new products or services.

What makes the product withstand the market? A good product needs attractive design, features and packaging, supplemented by proper communication and pricing strategy. Sometimes even a new brand strategy. These are all integral parts of the research.

We assist our clients in comprehending the existing functional and emotional characteristics associated with the category, as well as how these are represented and distributed among the key players in the market. We therefore use target consumers for the purpose.

MAVI Product Development and Testing services include:Developing or enhancing products/services | Branding | Communication Strategy | Pricing Strategy | Brainstorming ideas and sharing creative laboratories with our client | Testing new concepts, products and services | Testing communication materials

All this would help better decision making due to rapid feedback on new product concepts, services or brands.among the key players in the market. We therefore use target consumers for the purpose.