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Effective guidelines at determining your pricing strategy Pricing is often a tricky thing and needs to factor in a lot of aspects that affect it. The Market Angle

At MAVI, we take into account various factors to determine pricing, including: Emerging trends | Market developments and forces | Product and Pricing elasticity | Product complexity | Pricing that positively affects consumer behaviour | Competitor’s prices | Expected repeat purchases etc.

Despite MNCs and large businesses foraying into small business and retail trade through outlets like supermarkets, post globalization, it is no secret that the average Indian depends on local shops and small traders, enabling them to thrive alongside big businesses. And some big businesses leave the market too, as this is a market that is largely not netted by the big business houses, especially due to complex consumer behaviour. However, there are competitions galore - among big and small businesses, wholesalers, retailers - to penetrate markets to reap maximum profits.

To stay ahead in the competition, therefore, a good pricing strategy is inevitable. MAVI evaluates various pricing strategies after discussing your needs and analyzing market factors to arrive at the right strategy. This includes: Pricing at a Premium. - With premium pricing, businesses set costs higher than their competitors to become market leaders in pricing | Pricing for Market Penetration | Economy Pricing | Price Skimming | Psychology Pricing | Bundle Pricing

The Consumer Angle

Normally, consumers want the best deals and no compromise. But then deals are a mix of compromises and it is just left to consumer choice which product or deal appeals the most. That is, each deal encapsulates varying product features, quality and pricing. Therefore, consumers may accept some compromises when they choose products. Price is one of the factors affecting their decisions. In short, compromises happen when they choose among different advantages, value and quality of the product or service they expect to gain and the price they are willing to pay for such advantages and quality. We recognize right pricing is a key factor to any offer. We also value the need for your survival and growth, strategies and market situations.

Therefore, our pricing policy research, Price-Icon, takes into account the above factors, and also factors in the competitive environment of a product, and your brand's current image to help you determine a pricing strategy that provides good revenue and competitive market edge. Our goal is to arrive at optimal prices for your products or services based on all these factors.