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Support in the design, execution and evaluation of communication actions

How often we have come across scenarios where a CEO or a person from Senior Marketing Management calls for a meeting, shows his employees an ad, quickly discusses it with great enthusiasm and confidence, and asks someone to come up with a great ad like the one discussed? Once done, approves it. And then as time passes the top management realizes that the ad did not actually translate into increased sales or revenue. More often than not, this is quite a common scene at many an office! Some missing dots…?

Sometimes it works, mostly doesn’t! Are you able to relate to it? Doing the same thing and expecting a different result beats common sense. Likewise, embedding someone else’s ad or methodologies into our scheme of things may tickle our competitor’s funny bones! We are sure that is the last thing any business may want…

This is where MAVI Communication Research steps in. We offer a wide variety of services to help with the design, execution and evaluation of communication actions. We use both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies as required to discover, understand and confirm patterns in communication behavior of people.

Our qualitative research helps to explore an idea or area, gain insight into the intended customers’ lifestyle, culture, motivations, behaviours and preferences to arrive at a communication program and develop materials for it. Quantitative research comes in handy to measure or assess a communication program or particular variables.

However, communication research is still exploratory, as communication research can barely keep up with the ongoing changes to human communication like snapchat, instagram etc. We are continually developing new and more sophisticated methods to better understand consumer behaviour and the why’s and how’s of communication. This can broadly be classified under the following phases:

Preparations/Identification Phase

In this phase we help our clients with analytic and consulting services, such as:
Identify the target group | Evaluate brand position of the company | Deep insights into the brand, competition and product category

Design Phase

During the design phase we help our clients with internal workshops for:
Determination of goals | Communication strategy design | Preparation of media strategies | Preparation of agency briefs | Evaluation of agency recommendations (“fit-to-brief”) and agency selection.

Testing Phase

Testing our intended communication in advance can draw attention to potential problems and save a lot of money and time. It includes:
Story-board testing | Creative lab – testing slogans with creative input | Testing produced ad’s | Quick effects | Real-time sequential perception analysis.

Effects Monitoring Phase

Out of numerous modules and indicators that can be used to monitor the communication effects, we choose the right ones based on the characteristics of the action or item being monitored
Advertising | Billboard | Web | Quick effects measurement | Long-term effects measurement.

Evaluating Effects Phase

After monitoring and identifying the effects, we evaluate effects to find out what worked, what didn’t, what would happen if or if not … and of course, what we’ve learnt during the project:
Return on investment (ROI) | Effect on sales | Sponsorship Evaluation

With these steps in place, MAVI assists you to increase your customer base and sales volume